Expect notes of Chocolate Mousse & Key Lime Pie.
Sítio Santa Catarina is planted on 5 hectares with coffee in a few different varieties, including Yellow Bourbon, Catuai, and Icatú. It is a relatively high elevation for the area, at 1,275 meters above sea level.
We are really excited to offer this coffee from Sitio Santa Catarina in Brazil with such a unique process. We normally expect more chocolatey and nutty notes from Brazil coffees but this Anaerobic Natural process is popping with fruity flavors and a bright acidity. It is important to note this coffee was intentionally processed utilizing anaerobic fermentation. In general, this refers to placing freshly-harvested cherries inside a sealed container or bag of some sort for a period of time will create a flavor impact, and that's exactly what you can expect from this coffee!
Special Special denotes a small lot of extra special coffees either by rarity, variety, or processing.
Available in 12oz, 2lb, or 5lb bags.
Farm: Sitio Santa Catarina
Region: Pedralva, Carmo de Minas, Minas Gerais
Varietal: Yellow Icatu
Elevation: 1275 MASL
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